Legend, Wizard, Rat Bastard!

There aren’t many names the greatest roadie in rock & roll history hasn’t been called during his 5 decades (and counting) career. Known simply as ‘Gearzley’, the world’s greatest instrument tech is a true enigma.

The first two things you notice about Geazley is that he never stops moving and he never stops talking. From the moment load-in begins until the last piece of gear is safely tucked away, Gearzley is on the go. Carrying 2 amps at a time with cables draped around his neck, a multi-tool and cordless drill attached to his belt, Gearzley seems to move at twice the speed of everyone around him. While the drum tech methodically adjusts the high hat, Gearzley has already set up the guitars, keys, amps and is looking for the soundman to help test the mics and monitors.

All the while, Gearzley is chattering about one thing or another…’tape that down’, ‘move that mic or it’ll bloody feedback’, ‘who needs a lesson on changing strings for f#s sake?’. He sees every piece of equipment, oversees every other tech, and seems to know more than the stage managers about the idiosyncrasies of each stage and venue.

His accent is so thick it’s nearly impossible to fully understand what Gearzley is on about. The Irish say he’s Scottish, the Scotts say he’s Welsh, the Welsh insist he’s English and the English just say ‘He’s Crazy’. One thing is certain, Gearzley’s knowledge of rare, vintage, premium and custom gear is unequaled.

Gearzley is sharing his expertise with a growing collection of top quality instruments and equipment for sale. Look for Gearzley recommended equipment here and at your favorite retailers.